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Alzer Syrup


Gokharu , Punarnava , Giloy , Pittapapda , Nimbusat , Pasanbhed , Kulthi



Alzer Ayurvedic Syrup is the composite of Alkalizer & Stone Removing Ayurvedic Syrup which is used to remove stone from the kidney and Gout. Gout is caused by an abnormally high level of uric acid in the body. If the quantity becomes too high, crystals may form in and around particular joints and the kidneys. Alzer Ayurvedic Syrup operate by preventing crystal formation and reducing uric acid levels in the blood. Excessive uric acid which produces from undigested food and is the main cause of gout.


  • Excellent Result In Kidney Stone 
  • Useful In Uraemic Acidosis
  • Useful In Renal Tubular Acidosis
  • Useful In Micturition U.T.I.
  • Useful In Adjuvant to Uricosuric Agent In Gout